So, somehow, I feel like often causing irritation by turning around, looking for an Ikea Samla Box, of which I now have just under 200, and quickly do a PoC, prove a point or find a reference. While others are often irritated that I have everything here, I’m irritated that they don’t. Here a few thoughts…
[Read More]A Poor Man’s Perimeter Security
A few years back, mainly out of frustration, I developed something that started as a poor man’s asset management system for a company’s perimeter, which turned into a poor man’s perimeter Security tool. Right now, I’m doing the same again, so I guess it’s time to do a short write up.
[Read More]To Wipe or not to Wipe - Remotely
For some Remote Wipe is the ultimate solution for Mobile Security. A device is lost, remote wipe triggered, problem solved! Or is it?
[Read More]Having a Telescope
After a long while, I’ve finally managed to write a few lines on my telescope. In addition it’s the last chance to motivate you to see the rings of saturn from your own garden.
[Read More]Overkill Home Network
I’m often told my home network is typical me and far to complex. For me it’s just as complex as necessary, as I honestly don’t have very much time to invest. Here a few notes on how I got here and why
[Read More]ePA
The German elektronische PatientenAkte or electronic patient file is a central approach, storing notes from all doctors on all generally insured patients in a central, more or less, secure place. Sadly it’s just having a rough start with risk analysis excluding nation state attackers and various proven attack vectors. I did a small writeup for friends and familiy which I didn’t want to share openly, but well, it sadly seems necessary.
[Read More]Custom Cards & IDs @H2HC
As already mentioned on various channels, I brought a fun little card printer with me to this year’s H2HC in Sao Paulo. Here a little bit of information on getting something printed!
[Read More]One Day Pentest
Back in 2019 I gave a presentation at titled “Day One with a TTIG-868” . My talk was aimed at two aspects: An insight into device, I was curious as I had seen multiple commercial LoRaWAN gateways before and sharing the concept of single day security tests. Right now, I’m back at the point to want to stress the method as a potential quality assurance approach.
[Read More]Challenges in Highly Regulated and Especially Certified Environments
Most things that can easily kill you and others, require certification to ensure that applicable measures to reduce risks have been applied and that they’re functional. While all this is pretty trivial in the analog world, open a door -> release a switch -> open switch triggers a relay -> machine stops, the digital world is a little more complex. Especially when a program running on an operating system periodically scans an I/O port to check whether it has changed its state. Even when using interrupts things don’t get much easier. Here a few things to consider when looking into similar topics.
[Read More]EWE
A while back I started looking for a solution with which I could prove to be able to work safely from home while breaking devices. Sadly, I wasn’t able to find anything small and cheap enough to actually fit my desk. The best options I found where actual workbenches and tables in various sizes. Thus I decided to design my own Electronics Working Environment.
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