It seems that Hackers have a significant interest in Adrenaline and Epi-Pens: How they work, what they look like and how to use them. So, due to “having access”, I decided to write a short post with a “demo”. Obviously, above being interesting, it’s good to know how to use them.
[Read More]The Spirit of Lobby Con
I’m just on my way home from visiting Blue Frost Security ’s second edition of OffensiveCon . So, obviously, I need to start with a big thanks to Miguel, Lukas and all of the staff for a great conference! Now, sitting on the train with a few symptoms sleep deprivation, I thought I’d drop a few lines a small event I “ran” on the side: Lobby Con!
[Read More]Electronic Parkscheibe
After having received my new Saleae {:target=_“blank”} Logic Analyzer, I decided to combine my testrun with something I’ve had on my todo list for a few years now: The electronic “Parkscheibe” / parking disc. Thus I ordered one and had a closer look!
[Read More]Picture-Puzzle-Postcard-Magic
About a year ago I was looking for a creative way for bridging about a month of waiting, well bridging the wait for somebody else to be precise. After a little bit of tinkering and playing around I thought it might be a nice idea to send a postcard per day. Obviously, I wanted the cards to be custom (own design), printable (duplex) and somehow connected (telling a story). After a few more days of playing with ideas I decided to add a puzzle aspect, thus each postcard containing a few parts of the puzzle. The way things are with me, the overall design slightly exploded by adding a few more fun features. I’m actually just writing about, as I did quite like the overall idea and thought somebody else might find joy in it or just use it as inspiration, especially as the project turned out to being a complete waste of time.
[Read More]IVRE
So I recently needed/wanted to have a closer look at a few thousand hosts. After identifying and listing all addresses I started doing my homework by running NMAP. I then ended up with far to many results to work with by hand. Having already read about Ivre I decided to give it a quick spin. I then made the mistake to post a Tweet about having used it and promising a quick write-up. Well, here it is!
[Read More]Exposed Sonos Webinterface
After recently having stated in a Tweet that Sonos speakers expose a web interface, I just wanted to add some information here. I first found this interface about 4..5 years ago, when a good friend bought himself a Sonos system and I decided to just run a quick scan. Back then there wasn’t a lot of information on this interface online, which has changed over the past few years. Today, if you search for “sonos web interface” or “sonos hidden interface” you’ll finde various information, just as published here.
[Read More]Logistics of a Hardware Implant
During the recent SaciCon I gave a short insight into to the magic Chinese hardware implant covered by Bloomberg from a hardware hacker' s perspective. In summary I described it as a hardware hacker’s wet dream, simply due to size, effort and the feature set described by Bloomberg. Obviously I didn’t want to discuss any conspiracies, so I just stuck to the technical aspects. As an addition, I decided to cover the practical logistics of a hardware implant in a short post here. Thus, here an introduction into backdooring an Arduino Uno.
[Read More]Challenges When Setting up a PoC||GTFO Mirror
Being stuck at home for a few days, I decided to distract myself a bit and extend this page with a PoC||GTFO Mirror . For senseless reasons I wanted one of these viewers where you can actually flip pages while reading, just as they use for ads / catalogs from shops. I quickly found a piece of software that would do the job, but had to perform a few changes on the resulting content…
[Read More]The Friendly Keyboard Mouse
Although being an old approach, injecting HID keystrokes is still a very effective way of attacking a host system. When doing so, a microcontroller is used to emulate a USB keyboard which will then simply type commands. From the perspective of the host system, there is no chance of distinguishing between a real and an emulated keyboard. This post gives an overview on how to create an injector which is placed in a normal USB mouse and how to program it for a little bit of fun.
[Read More]Desoldering and Cleaning PCBs Before Adding Headers
Very often when working with embedded and IoT devices one will have the luck to find the footprint of a simple pin header. Soldering on pins and connecting jumper wires is quickly done. Sometimes though the vias / holes in the PCB will be plugged by solder and need to be cleaned before continuing. This post gives a short overview on how to clean up a header prior adding the pins. It will also cover the classical case of “the solder just won’t melt”. For the interesting part, scroll down to “Challenges”.
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