In Germany petrol stations have to regularly share the price of their products with a government agency. In addition public APIs were created, which give close to realtime access to the prices. Here a little example on how to fetch and use the data.
[Read More]Eine sichere Arztpraxis - Teil 2/2: Die Praxis
A while back Germany decided it would be a good idea to regulate the IT infrastructure in doctor’s practices. While obviously a smart move, it resulted in strange interpretations and even stranger architectures being implemented. This post shows the actual setup. But, er ist auf deutsch (it’s in German).
[Read More]My nanoBTS is rattling
I recently received a nanoBTS 165G, which strangely enough made a rattling sound. While it’s a bad sign, as there might be a chance to short out and break the BTS, it’s a super easy fix. Here the insights!
[Read More]PoE Temperature Sensor
One of my big Todo List projects is temperature monitoring for the house. Being a big fan of wired approaches, many available solutions don’t match my requirements or are far to expensive. Luckily Olimex published the perfect plattform a while back. I finally managed to get one. Here are some insights.
[Read More]A few thoughts on distinguishing between IT and OT Security
A lot of time is invested into defining and describing OT Security or Operational Technology Security, especially in contrast to IT Security. It’s very often hard to draw a proper line between both and complicated to keep it strict. Here is a little insight into why the line helps, where it makes things worse and a few recommendations on dealing with the resulting challenges.
[Read More]Eine sichere Arztpraxis - Teil 1/2: Architektur
A while back Germany decided it would be a good idea to regulate the IT infrastructure in doctor’s practices. While obviously a smart move, it resulted in strange interpretations and even stranger architectures being implemented. This post shows a secure reference architecture with explanations. But, er ist auf deutsch (it’s in German).
[Read More]Basics
Working on trainings to teach basics can be very frustrating due to the word basic. The big question is: What is basic and what are basics?
[Read More]Data Modems and SIM Card Communication
Yet another PoC from my to do list: Which data passes through the SIM card on a data modem? The specific question was, whether the APN credentials where passed to the SIM and could be intercepted with a SIMTrace. This post gives a quick overview on how to use a SIMTrace2 to create a PCAP trace.
[Read More]Successfully failing at creating a USB stick with integrated AV
After a long time discussing the concept of USB sticks with internal AV engines, I’ve decided to create a quick and dirty PoC. Thus, this post shows how to utilize a USB Armory MK II and ClamAV as a self-scanning USB stick. The Summary: It failed successfully!
[Read More]Gameboy? Gameboy!
I recently got to make a new, fun badge for H2HC , which turned out to be a custom GameBoy game. This post gives a quick and easy insight into the how! If you just want to play, go here .
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